How to Find a Hacker on the Dark Web in 2025

How to find a hacker on the dark web

How to find a hacker on the dark web?

This is the most asked question on the darknet.

First, you need to access the dark web. Two things will get you there: VPN and Tor browser. None of your typical web browsers will make it through the wall of the dark web due to the dark web being an area that is not available to typical search engines to access and only special, anonymous tools like Tor can access it.

On the other hand, VPN, or Virtual Private Network is software that ensures the connection is safe via encryption. So, it is strongly recommended to access the dark web; a mixture of both VPN and Tor browser is required.

How to Find a Hacker on the Dark Web: Safety First

When you are up to finding a hacker on the dark web this question naturally arises why do we need to use both the VPN service and Tor browser there?

The answer to that is safety. The dark web is filled with uncharted spots and ill-intent individuals readying to trap you in a jiff. These two components TOR and VPN help you to hide your IP i.e., your internet identity on the internet. Hence, you are protected from the cyber criminals out there lurking on the dark web.

The more security the better. Here are some tips you must opt to stay safe on the dark web.

  1. Be careful with random downloads.
  2. Use pseudonymous names and avoid personal details.
  3. Don’t click on random links.
  4. Disconnect every external device, and end the open software and applications.
  5. Black-taped the webcam and muted the audio system for safety precautions.

How to Find a Hacker on the Dark Web?

NOTE: Keep in mind that you are looking for someone who could potentially break into your system and hack your personal and financial data. So prepare yourself before getting into the dark web world.

Once you prepare yourself to navigate to the dark web world follow these steps to hire a hacker on the dark web.

Find a Trustworthy Hiring Site or Service

It is very dangerous to find a hacker on the dark web world because you have no idea who the person is and whether he or she is a scammer. So we recommend you to find a professional hacking service or site from the dark web.

Moreover, look for a hacker who knows the system or software that you need them to hack. Also, consider the depth and breadth of the skills of hackers when you are hiring. because some only execute surface-level attacks but have a wide variety of capabilities (things they can hack). Other professional hackers are specialized and focus on specific kinds of advanced attacks.

For instance, if you want to hack software then find someone with experience in software hacking. While if you want to hack a cell phone then hire a cell phone hacker. But keep in mind that the services of veteran white hat hackers are more expensive.

Communicate with the Hacker

Once you do your research and pick a hacker as your preference then communicate with the service provider and ask the questions related to their hacking service. like what kind of hacking service they provide. Well on the dark web you will find three types of hacking services including;

  1. Black Hat Hackers: They make malware to gain access to networks and bypass security systems to get financial and personal data.
  2. White Hat Hackers: They also make the malware to get the permission of webmasters. It means they are not breaking the law.
  3. Grey Hat Hackers: They will find the vulnerabilities in a system (without permission) and report them to the webmaster. But they demand the charges to fix the problems, and if the website’s owner disagrees with the terms, they often make that data public which is illegal.

So, ask them what kind of hacking service they offer and tell them what kind of service you want. there are different types of hacking like website attacks, distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, social media hacks, custom malware, cell phone hacks, email hacks, and bank account hacks.

After that execute some rules on the hacker and let him as much free rein as they want.

Dark Web Hacker Forums and Marketplaces

Dark Web Hacker Forums and Marketplaces
Dark Web Hacker Forums and Marketplaces

There are plenty of sites where you can find a hacker on the dark web to get the services. Here are some of them;

Hacker’s Bay

One is Hacker’s Bay. It is a group of highly specialized hackers who can hack into almost anything. They can get through highly-secured firewalls with ease and can get you effective results.

Pseudo Hacker

On the other hand, Pseudo Hacker brings a more conventional set of abilities to the hacking sector where they focus on the security companies’ breaches.


DefCon is also another major website where you can know all the hacking-related information in no time. There are more websites to look up for a reputable hacker on the dark web. From there, make this thing certain to mask your identity at all costs and take down the hackers’ contact to get connected with them.


It is one of the well-known hacking forums on the deep web because it has everything you can look for. However, you’ll have to request access to join the forum. After verification, you will be approved by a moderator. There are other types of services and information to read and research.

Hack5 Forums

It is another type of hacker forum, as it was initiated and run by other hackers. You can join this forum from anywhere, as it is the most active forum on the deep web.

Exploits Database

Exploits Database is the most frequently visited forum for a hacker on the Dark web. It is a 100% lawful community where individuals can acquire and compile data on recognized weaknesses in computer systems and networks, which others may use to safeguard their systems against potential hacks.


It is one of the popular dark web hacking forums for cybercriminals all around the world. Breachforums is rebranded from the Raidforum. The forum is for people who need initial access brokers, database vendors, malware developers, spammers, and programmers looking to know the new techniques. Right now this forum has more than 150,000 posts and 45,000 registered users.

The Cost of Hiring a Hacker on the Dark Web

On the dark web, most of the hacking forums and marketplaces have the same a la carte menu. However, the prices for most services are negotiated directly with clients. But the intricacy, time, risk, and scope of a hacking service determine the final price. Most of the hacking service completes within 24 hours but the advanced hacking will take days or weeks.

Here we have shared the average cost of services for hiring a hacker on the dark web.

Hacking ServiceCost
Website Hacking$394
DDoS$26 per hour
Social Media Account Hacking$230
Custom Malware$318
Changing School Grades$526
Personal Attacks$551
Location Tracking$195
Computer and Phone Hacking$343
Email Hacking$241
Debt or Credit$257

Sum Up

Well, finding a hacker on the dark web is just like finding anything else on the dark web like drugs. Whatever you do on the dark web research, and analyze before making a final purchase.

Let us know in the comment section if you ever buy or get any service from the dark web.